Friday, January 6, 2012

Ladies Room

In the years gone by, a woman's place was in the home, within the domestic sphere. She was to embody femininity and motherhood, and the home was an integral part of this whole concept.

The perception that home is the 'women's domain' has been around for hundreds of years. Tied in with these ideas of femininity and the female mystique, there was, and probably still is, the unspoken rule that a lot of facets of womanhood shouldn't be seen. Childbirth, raising children and grooming were all things that were hidden from the everyday running of a home. A wealthy lady would have a dressing room and bedroom where her husband would enter by invitation only.  Homes had a drawing room for the ladies to retire to of an evening. The children would be fed, bathed and put to bed in areas of the home where their father didn't venture.

Ideas of femininity have changed significantly in many ways, yet in other ways have stayed the same. Personally, I love the idea of having private little women's domains in our homes. A place where his undies and socks aren't thrown all over the show; a place that is just yours. It can be as small as a dressing table with a chair, or perhaps a dressing room if you're lucky enough - think of Carrie in the Sex and the City movie, she didn't want a diamond, just a 'really big closet!'

Have a great weekend,

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